Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A nice surprise!

Ok it's been a long day, so I'm going to keep this entry short and sweet!

While we were visiting Hudson for his 1:00 check, I asked his nurse how he was doing and she said that he was doing great and that the doctor was debating on whether to start his feedings today or not. Originally they had told us that he wouldn't start back his feedings for at least another week! So about 10 minutes later, the doctor came in and told us that he was going to start his feedings today! So he will continue with his feedings while finishing his antibiotic. I think at this point they are watching his feedings more than anything. They started him out slow to make sure his stomach is tolerating it well... and so far he's had 3 feedings and done great with all of them.

I have been told that he wouldn't go home on the antibiotic, but then I have been told too that they can be sent home with an antibiotic as long as they are feeding well. I'm not really sure what this will do to his already estimated arrival, but it sounds like it's for the better!

I'll try and upload more picture and/or videos soon!



  1. That's so great! I can't wait for him to be home!

  2. I'm so glad he's doing well! I'll keep praying he gets to come home soon!!



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