Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 2 week Birthday, Huddy!

Today is Hudson's 2 week birthday and it was about this time 2 weeks ago when we first got to meet him!

When we went to see him tonight, he just looked so happy. The nurses say he's doing very well. If we are ever there when he needs a diaper change, the nurses will let us do it, just because at this point, any interaction with him is better than nothing! So Blake and I tag-teamed it... I changed the diaper while he held all his cords and wires out of the way, and while I'm trying to take my time and be careful, of course Hudson decides to tinkle all over himself. The nurse just laughed... I'm sure they see that all the time. I better get used to it!

I feel like depending on the nurse or doctor we ask, we always get different estimates when we ask questions. When I was asking the nurse tonight, she was actually looking at his chart to see the specifics and she said he will be on the antibiotic 6 more days, then on the 7th day they will start back his feedings. She said they will start him back with just a little bit of milk and if his stomach doesn't handle it well, then they will test for scarring in his intestines, however if he does handle it well, they will bump him up some more. If he does well with the next feeding, then they will start to increase the amount of his feedings more rapidly. She said if he feeds well and there are no more problems... best case scenario, he could possible come home in a week and half.

So that's what we are praying for! We want him home, with us, as soon as possible! She also said he wasn't a fussy baby and that the last 10 days, he has pretty much slept through the night. I hope that will be the case once he come home!

Here are some pictures from tonight!

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