Friday, August 7, 2009


Hudson is doing better this morning. His color is looking better, more pink than yellow. His stomach was swollen yesterday, but it has gone down a bit. He is more alert and less fussy, so he seems to be more comfortable. So all in all, we still don't know what is causing it, but the antibiotics seem to be working.

They put a PIC Line in his arm, which is basically a catheter that they will use instead of a standard IV. It will protect his arm better since he will be getting so many fluids through it.

They haven't been able to send off for a couple of tests that they wanted to do because they require stool samples and all of his soak into his diaper, so they have been unable to get enough to send off until this morning. He decided to go #2 while his nurse was changing him, so she was able to get a sample to send off. I never thought I'd be happy that our soon pooped on his nurse, but oh well! Haha.

Best case scenario is that this is in fact a virus or infection and that the antibiotics have already started working and that it will be cleared up in 5-7 days. Then, it might be a week and 1/2 - 2 weeks before he comes home. The doctors have not officially called it this yet, but all the nurses I've talked to seem to think this is what it is.

Thanks for all the prayers, we have no doubt that is why is he doing so much better. I will update more as things change.


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