Monday, August 3, 2009

Coming Home Soon!

Hudson is one week old today and officially a trooper!

He has been making amazing progress! He was moved to a normal crib yesterday and they are waiting for a spot in the "step down area" to open up so they can move him. They started him on a bottle yesterday morning and he wasn't interested. The nurse said sometimes it takes a while for babies to take to feedings. She said that would be what would keep him there. She even said it might be a couple of weeks before he takes to it. So that was a little discouraging.

Last night we went up there because yesterday was the first day that anyone but my parents have seen him. They had only let parents and grandparents back to the NICU up until yesterday. So Beau and a few other friends got to see him.

While we were up there, I was talking to the nurse about his feedings and she said since he didn't take to it the first time, they probably would only try once a day. I asked her if I could try and she let me. So she fixed me a bottle and helped me get started and he took to it! He drank a lot more than the nurses thought he would! He's been drinking about a tablespoon more each feeding! The nurse said if he continues like that without any problems, he could come home within 2-3 days! She did say though that sometimes babies will get started really well then have trouble with larger feedings, so she said if that happens, it could be about another week.

So that is the update, and hopefully we will be able to bring him home very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing Baby Hudson's pics reminds me that every day is a gift.



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