Friday, August 21, 2009

Glad to be home

Well we've been home 2 days and things are going great! Even though it was hard having him away from us for the first 3 weeks of his life, there were some advantages to it. He is already on a schedule and his cord fell off at the hospital-so we didn't have to mess with that. One thing I'm really thankful for is that we got to learn how to take care of him and what to look for while he was still at the hospital and how to handle certain situations, like changing a diaper while avoiding being squirted ;) and how to read him and know his different cries. I feel like we came home so much more prepared than most first time parents.

His first night home he did great. His best sleeping times are about 5-6am to 9-10am. Last night we went to bed at 1 and slept until 10am with only getting up once to feed.

Right now it's really hard because I want everyone to get to meet him, however since he's gone through so much with the infection and everything else, he's that much more prone to infections. The nurses told me when we left with him that if he gets sick, don't worry about calling the pediatrician, just take him straight to Le Bonheur. So needless to say, I've been a little anal about germs... which is a first in my life.

We're glad things are starting to get back to normal... well, normal + a baby. Blake has started school and football. He's teaching 2 new subjects-Personal Finance and Economics... which is right down his alley. And as for now, Hudson and I are just chillin' at the house, eating and sleeping... trying to avoid getting sick.

Thanks again for all the support and prayers, he is doing better than we could have hoped. I know things will get harder as he gets older, but right now we feel really blessed to have him home and healthy.


  1. yay! i'm so glad he's home with ya'll now! i know you are loving adjusting to your new life as mommy. i totally understand the germ thing. i was super anal about it the first 2 months of jack's life. i even asked people to use germ-x or wash their hands before holding him. it seemed silly to some, but i had to be super careful with a preemie baby, i did not want him getting sick. you're smart to do the same. rest as much as you can!!!!



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