Thursday, August 6, 2009


We just got back from visiting Huddy and he seems to be doing a little better. We spoke to the doctor today and he's not sure yet what is causing his illness. They are running several tests to narrow down what it might be. The best estimate that the doctor could give us was either it is an infection, virus, or a digestive issue called Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC).

Here is a website that explains more about (NEC): More About Necrotizing Enterocolitis

They have already started him on treatment. They hooked him back up to an IV and stopped his feedings. They don't want to put anything into his stomach that could irritate it more. He will get all his nutrients from the IV until everything clears up. They took x-rays this morning and the doctor said that there was no indication from the x-rays that it would be NEC, however he isn't ruling it out yet. Hudson is on 3 different antibiotics right now until they figure out which one they need to keep him on. It might take up to a few days to get all his lab work back. So if you could just pray that the antibiotics kick in so that he isn't in pain. They don't want to give him anything for pain because they are afraid it will slow down and relax his breathing too much.

Thanks for the prayers and we will update with more when we know something.

1 comment:

  1. allison. i'm so sorry little hudson has gotten sick. i'll definitely be praying for him! i love reading all the updates. please let me know if you need anything!!



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