Monday, August 17, 2009

T minus 1 day and couting... (we think)

Well, it's always something. The latest report is that tomorrow SHOULD be the day Hudson comes home. He had a test run this morning that showed that his red blood count was low. They think this could be from his infection and they want to make sure he is producing enough red blood cells now to compensate for the loss. They will run a test tonight that will show if he is producing enough, and if he is not, then they will give him blood tonight or tomorrow. If they have to do that, it will set him back one more day. Ugh! It seems like he will never be home.

He met with an Endocrinologist this evening because some of his adrenal levels were elevated, but he didn't think it was anything to worry about. He said he will have his pediatrician run some tests at his first check up to see if it's still elevated then.

Other than that, Hudson is doing great! When you look at him you'd never know all this was going on. He looks perfectly healthy and happy. He's a very content baby. All the nurses call him a "thinker" because he always has this serious look... like he's solving all the world's problems in his head.

Here is a picture from today. Hopefully from his last day in the hospital.


  1. he is absolutely precious! i will be praying for ya'll today and hope that he gets to come home..i know you must be SO ready to have him home and settled. :)

  2. This is my new favorite picture :) Little sweetheart!!



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