Monday, August 24, 2009

1st doctor visit today!

We just got home from our first doctor visit today and everything went great! Hudson is on track and in the 90th percentile for his size (compared to other preemies at this stage). He weighs 5lbs 7oz and is 19in long! The doctor said he is developing (perfectly) and gave us a good report! Today is his 4 week birthday and Thursday he will be 1 month old! I can't believe it's already been a month.

We still can't believe that he's technically still supposed to be in my stomach for 3 more weeks! I think the hardest part about being home, isn't the constant feedings or diaper changes or trying to figure out why he's crying, or finding time to do things... it's actually been trying to relax and not obsess over every little hiccup or cough. I didn't realize how paranoid we were since leaving the NICU. We learned so much, but at the same time, maybe relied on it a little too much. Hudson's doctor was great and reassured me that everything you need to know to raise a baby, you already know. He said there are so many people out there that didn't go through training or read all the "What to expect..." books, and they raise kids and do just fine with it. He encouraged us to pay more attention to Hudson instead of all the research and advice people give. I was happy to hear someone finally tell us that we can relax and just enjoy raising him.

Everything else is going great too! I'm still waiting for it to get really crazy like everyone says it will be. Today was my first time to take him somewhere by myself so I was a little nervous, but we didn't have one problem!

I can't wait until a few more weeks when we can bring him out to meet everyone!

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