Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hudson is doing great!

Again, words cannot describe how well it feels to be home. Everything has worked out so well. We have some amazing friends that got the nursery ready as a surprise. It looks amazing... all we have to do is add the crib! Here are some pictures! (Credit goes to Elizabeth Gordon and Grace Walker)

Elizabeth made the headboard and pillows!

Grace painted this dresser. Notice Daddy's helmet and Hudson's helmet next to it!

This is a rocking chair that Elizabeth bought, refinished and covered for me!

This is our bedding... now we're just waiting on the crib :)

As of today, if Hudson continues to progress like he has, he might get to come home in 2 weeks. They said he needs to be able to keep a stable body temperature, be able to consistently gain weight and be able to feed on his own--in order to come home. He's done great and made very swift progress. He is always impressing the nurses. Everyone keeps commenting on how big he is for a preemie. I think that is mostly because of who his daddy is :)

He is off oxygen and still on room air. They will try and wean him off of any kind of air support in the next day or 2. When he is breathing completely on his own then they can take the tubes out of his stomach and we will be able to hold him. After that point, they will also try and give him a bottle to see how well his coordination is.

Everyone in the NICU has been so nice. They are extremely packed with little babies right now, so even though normally anyone could go with us to see him, they are only asking that parents and grandparents go back. So as of right now, only my parents have got to see him. We're trying to take lots of pictures and we're starting to take more videos--those are just more fun to watch! We can visit him whenever we want, 24 hours a day. They check his vitals and assess him every nine, one and five o'clock. They also encourage us to call up there whenever we want, as many times as we would like. I have to admit, I've made a couple of 4am calls :) We've been going up there a couple of times a day. We try to make it up there around his check times since he's usually more awake then. We've only gotten to hold him once because of the tubes that are in his stomach. Those will hopefully come out very soon! If we are with him during his check times, usually we will get to change his diaper and take his temperature. We really like getting to do that since it's really the most interaction we have with him for now.

Okay, I'm going to post some videos. He's been more alert lately, and his eyes were swollen from the tubes in his nose, but that's going down now. Can't wait to see who he looks like!

Hope you enjoy these!

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