Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy Boy

Hudson is feeling better and better by the hour. His stomach has gone down a lot and his bodily functions have pretty much returned to normal. They had a suction tube down his throat to constantly suction out any stomach acid. He did not like that at all and would chew on it and try and pull it out. They finally took that out today and he instantly felt better. He smiled the biggest smile right after they took it out.

It's so funny how much personality he has at such an early age. He seems to be a happy baby, especially in spite of everything that he has been through. Whenever I go up there and he isn't asleep, he's just laying there looking around, not making a noise... like he's just laying there patiently. There's only been one time where I heard him really cry. Other than that, he'll just whimper a bit.

His antibiotics seem to be controlling the infection well. They will continue taking x-rays and monitoring him to make sure he stays on track. It is very frustrating knowing that he might have been home already if there had been better precautions taken by the nurses to prevent cross contamination from other babies in the NICU. All in all, it could have been worse, and we just pray that there is no permanent damage to his intestines. Once they resume his feedings, they will watch to see if he relapses, and if so, it could mean that he has scarring in his intestines from the infection. If that is the case, then he would have to have surgery to remove the scarred sections. But we pray that is not the case.

Here is a video from today of our happy little boy:

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