Friday, July 10, 2009

Hospital Stay- Day 16

What a morning!!!

The nurses monitor me and the baby twice a day on the contraction/heart monitor machine. Usually in the morning and evening. This morning was quite eventful. I woke up around 6am to Blake's snooze alarm repeatedly going off, then around 7am our floor had a fire drill.... you can imagine how much fun THAT was! Luckily I didn't have to leave the room, but the sound of the blaring siren (which went on for about 20 min) and all the nurses talking outside was NOT fun trying to sleep through. After that, I was just about to get back to sleep when my pump started beeping, meaning that it was almost out of medicine. So I called the nurse to let her know. She had to order another refill from the pharmacy so I laid there listening to the annoying beeping noise for about another hour. Then, of course, my phone is ringing, making all kinds of noises... luckily I can silence it. (Sorry to those people who called me early this morning, lol). The cleaning lady then came in and did her daily routine, I really usually enjoy talking to her (Ms. Polly) but this morning she could tell I just wanted to sleep. After she left, I had just gotten back to sleep when my nurse came in and harassed me because I hadn't eaten my breakfast, so I explained to her (almost in tears, that I was so annoyed and tired) that I just wanted to sleep. So she said she would make sure no one bothered me AFTER she put me on the monitor and checked my vitals. At this point, I was just so tired of any kind of noise. I just wanted silence. Every part of me just wanted to play dead so that she had to move me herself, and I wouldn't have to put any effort into it... but something in me said the hospital is no place to joke around like that, haha. So she hooked me up to the monitor and for the first time, I was annoyed to hear Hudson's heartbeat. I get to hear it several times a day, but whenever I am on the monitor, it's 30 min at a time. So I put my pillow over my ears and was determined to make myself fall asleep. The nurse came in about 20 minutes later and woke me up and I was so excited because I thought, finally, I'm through and can really go back to sleep, when I heard her say "are you feeling those?"---- great... meaning contractions. Her name is Lori and she's one of my favorite nurses, and one of the ones I have the most, so I feel like I can be honest with her... so I just looked at her with an "Are you kidding me?" kind of look and told her that I wasn't feeling anything but tired. She gave me an extra does of my Terbutaline (which makes me jittery) and said I would have to stay on the monitor for another 20 minutes. It was hard to lay still after that. So after she took me off the monitor and the contractions stopped, I decided to go ahead and get up and start the day. So after I ate my blueberry muffin (to appease Ms Lori!) I decided I would tell y'all about my morning.

There's really been no other change in the last couple days, which is good. One of the doctors came to see me this morning and sat down (which rarely happens) and just talked to me and asked me if I had any questions or concerns. She reassured me that none of the medicine I am on is affecting the baby. She also told me that the steps they usually take in situations like mine (when someone continues to have contractions) are...

1. Bed rest
2. Procardia (pills to prevent contractions)
3. Up the dosage of Procardia (from 1, to 3 times a day)
4. A shots of Terbutaline (to stop contrations)
5. Max dosage of shots of Terbutaline (3 shots within 45 minutes)
6. Terbutaline pump
7. Terbutaline pump + extra shots
8. Alternate between the pump and Procardia

She said a lot of times, your body can get used to the Procardia, so if you've been off it for a bit, they like to go back to that if the pump isn't working, and she said potentially, I could just alternate between the Procardia and the pump. She said, more than likely, I would be on the pump until about 35 weeks, unless they need to take me off of it.

So that's been my morning so far. I am excited though, my lunch just got here and it's fried catfish with *extra* hush puppies :) and lots of chocolate pudding! Hopefully the rest of the day is a little less exciting that the first part.


1 comment:

  1. Great photos. I'm glad the drought is over for you. Maybe some of the El Nino weather will surprise us in California this summer. Some scientists predict we may see it in October. Best wishes to you.



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