Monday, July 13, 2009

Bathtime in the sink!

So, thanks to my dad, here are some old pictures of Blake and I when we were younger! We had this one of Blake from the slide show at our wedding, and it happened to be that one of the earliest pictures that he found of me, didn't look all that different!

I was born 6 weeks early (weighing in at a whooping 5lbs, 12oz!), and there weren't a lot of pictures from when I was born. Since it was unexpected, the main pictures they do have from shortly after that, are on slides.

It was fun to look at these and see who Hudson might resemble. I think it's safe to say he will definitely have a full face of cheeks!



If I am correct, my next ultrasound is Wednesday. They will just be looking at his development and checking the fluid levels and all that great stuff, so hopefully he will cooperate and we will get another good face shot to see what he looks like again!


  1. Amazing pics! Even though they grew up in different worlds, some things were very similar…
    1. Light brown counter tops and walls were popular back then (We can thank the interior desecrators).
    2. Boys in the left sink, girls in the right sink (Seems fitting and proper).
    3. Layer of sponge foam so your bum won’t get stuck in the garbage disposal (common problem back then).
    4. Finally, the popular single handle faucet made by “Delta”. (No more trying to balance separate hot and cold handles, quite a breakthrough in technology).

  2. Hey Allison,

    I think I remember that sink. Was it in Grambie's house in Leakesville? If not, it is a dead ringer for that one. I have one of Ami in sink that looks just like that one. You and Blake were both such cutes babes! I know Huddy will be a cutey-pie also. Love you, Pamey and Mel

  3. how funny too that you both were on the same yellow spongey thing!!



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