Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hospital Stay- Day 14

Well, today has been a busy day!

This morning they ran another fetal fibronectin test, and it came back negative! That pretty much means that the contractions I'm having, more than likely, aren't pre-labor contractions, however, they still want to manage them because any kind of contraction can effect my cervix.

They also did an ultrasound to measure Hudson's development/weight and to measure my cervix. The doctor determines the official measurement, but out of several measurements, the ultrasound tech told me that the lowest they got was .6, and the highest they measured was .9. So bed rest is doing its job!

When they measured him today, Blake and I had bets going. My guess is that he would weigh in at 3lbs 2oz and Blake guessed 3lbs 5oz. Turns out, he weighed in at....................... 3lbs 8oz!!! So about 3 and 1/2 lbs! Its so funny to me that 3 and 1/2 pounds seems so big to us compared to preparing ourselves to possible have a 1 and 1/2 pound baby, at one point. It's hard to think that he could possible make it to 6 or 7 pounds-- that seems so big to us, but is really only the size of an average baby. The average weight for a baby at 30 weeks (which is what I am today) is 2lbs 9 oz. So he's definitely not slacking!

They tried to get a picture of Hudson's face, but man was he being stubborn!!! They tried so many times and even had this little buzzer that they said usually makes them move, but he didn't budge. He was moving his whole body around, except for his face, so all we got to see this time was the back of his head. They did get us a picture of his little foot, which was something! (It might be hard to make out, his foot is right in the middle with his toes on top).

I see 2 different high risk doctors and about 5 different OB's. They all have different opinions, but some of them have said that if I am still doing well at 35 weeks, they will TALK about letting me continue bed rest at home. That would be wonderful!

Right now I'm still on the pump and although it is making me a bit jittery, it's working great. I have only had one contraction since I've been on it, which is a great improvement. Other than that, everything else is going great!

Thanks for the prayers and hopefully Hudson will continue to improve!

1 comment:

  1. aww, sweet little foot !! :) Praises for each day that Hudson gets to stay inside mommy!!!



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