Thursday, July 23, 2009

Funny story...

So, it's been about a month now that I've been here. I thought I would share what we think is a funny story. Maybe it's just funny to us since I don't get out much (actually at all, haha).

The medicine I'm on to regulate my contractions has a side effect of jitteriness (I'm pretty sure that is not a word, but you get the picture). So, in order to sleep at night they give me sleeping medicine to counteract the shaky feeling. Well, it does SUCH a good job that I usually don't remember what goes on after it kicks in, right before I go to sleep. For those of you who don't know, sweet Blake got a big air mattress and sleeps next to my bed at night. Well every couple of mornings, Blake will tell me something ridiculous that I did the night before, of course, me not remembering a thing--which is a really weird feeling. I thought I would share what he told me this morning. I had pulled some chap stick out of my drawer today, which I guess reminded him of what I had done the night before. He said that he had been asleep for a bit late last night and woke up to something tracing the outside of his lips... he opened his eyes to see me reaching down to his face applying chapstick on him! He said he looked at me and asked what I was doing and I apparently told him that he looked like he needed some. Wow. Whatever in the world possesed me to do that, I have no idea... but I thought maybe some of you would get a kick out of it-- I sure did.

Other than yesterday, no new developments on Hudson-- everything is still looking great! Thanks again for all the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I literally "lol"ed when I read that. Oh, Allison, you crack me up.




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