Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hospital Stay- Day 27

Okay, so to catch you up on the last couple days. Not a whole lot has gone on. I've had a few ultrasounds this week for random reasons. They did a biophysical test Monday, which is an ultrasound test that looks at the baby's heart rate, movements, muscle tone and breathing. He did really well on that... got a "perfect score" as the doctor said. He's breathing really well for his stage of development, probably because of the steroid shots. They did his weight and measurements today and he weighed in at........ (drumroll)......... 4lbs 3oz! So looks like just 2 people guessed right on the poll.

When they put me on the monitor this morning, Hudson had a heart deceleration. Basically his heart rate dropped for a bit. Sometimes this can happen randomly and sometimes it can mean the baby is in distress. They did another biophysical today to see if anything had changed, and from what the ultrasound tech said, I think everything is fine and it was just random. The doctor will ultimately look at the results. She said they will continue to monitor him throughout today and if it happens again, they will repeat the biophysical tonight to see what could be causing it. No need to worry though, even if he comes soon, he's far enough developed to where he will be fine. Here is a picture from Monday, this has been the best picture they can get. He buries his face during the ultrasounds and we haven't really gotten a face shot in the last 5 ultrasounds we've gotten! He has his arm up by his right eye and the little ball looking things by his left eye is the umbilical cord, you can also see it down the left side of the pic--it's a little blury. You can really only see part of his nose and lips.

That's about it-- everything else is still going good. My t-pump is still holding off contractions. I had a couple contractions Sunday because my pump turned off without me knowing but they figured it out in time. It means I would probably be having contractions if I wasn't on this medicine--which means it's doing its job! They will probably wait another month before they take me off the medicine. Okay, that's all for now... congratulations to the 2 people who guessed the right weight! :)

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