The T-pump and the shots were not working, so Allison is now on the dreaded Mag Wash. The Mag Wash makes it very difficult for any of your muscles to contract, including the uterus. The downside to this is that it makes you feel like you have the flu, so combined with contractions, it is pretty miserable.
We are also now in a labor and delivery room because if the contractions are not stopped, labor is a possibility. There is not a need to flood the hospital waiting room, but I will send out the word via text to both families and friends when it is "gametime." I might have time to put a quick entry on the blog, but I'm not promising anything.
That was pretty simple. I wanted to put some sort of picture on, but if I put a current picture of Allison on here, she would kill me. I decided to put up a picture of Rusty that looks like Dean Cain just to at least have a picture with my first post. Enjoy!
Good job Blake. We are praying and anxiously waiting. Jane