Monday, July 6, 2009

Hospital Stay- Day 12

Well, I've made it almost 2 weeks here and still have my sanity, so I'm thankful for that!

There has been a little excitement this past week. I continued to have contractions about every night so they bumped me up to the maximum dose of Procardia (3x's a day) to prevent the contractions. After a day or two of that, the contractions started up again. Then most recently, three out of the last four nights I have received shots of Terbutaline to stop the closer contractions. My doctor told us today that sometimes when someone is on Procardia for awhile, your body can get used to it, making it less effective. So his solution to this is to put me on a Terbutaline pump (T-pump). This is a device, comparable to an insulin pump, that would release small doses of Terbutaline throughout the day/night into my leg. They are putting me on the pump today, and that will replace Procardia. There can be some annoying side effects that come with it, like being jittery and elevated heart rate, however, when I have had the shots, the only side effect I've experienced is the jitteriness. Hopefully it won't be as bad since the doses are smaller.

Tomorrow, they will do another fetal fibronectin test, measure my cervix and also take Hudson's measurements to see how he's developing.

My doctor was telling me about another woman he treated who had a cervix that measured .3 (a mm shorter than mine) and they sent her home at 35 weeks, and she held out until 39 weeks. That was encouraging.

That's all for now! I will let y'all know the updates tomorrow when I know them!

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