Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home Sa-weet Home!

Much to our surprise- we are finally home and there aren't words to describe how great it feels! The doctor came in this morning and said that I had the option to stay another day, but that if I wanted to go home, that he would give me the okay! We figured since we're only 5 minutes from the hospital that it would be fine to go ahead and go home. Thanks to my mom, Grace and Elizabeth... we got to come home to a clean house! It was so nice to just relax and not hear beeping noises and answer to nurses and see other walls besides the hospitals.

Hudson is doing very well. He is off oxygen and just on "room air" which is still being pumped through his nose, just so he doesn't have to put so much effort into breathing while his lungs are still developing. He has a tube where his umbilical cord was that they use to take blood out--so they don't have to keep pricking his foot. He saw the cardiologist today and they did an ultrasound of his heart and he said it looked perfect. Really the only two things they are paying attention to is his lung development and feeding. He has been feeding just with an IV up until today. They gave him his first dose of formula/breast milk through a feeding tube, just to see how well his stomach handled it and how well he processed it and he did great, so he will continue to feed through that unless there are any changes. They will probably wait another week or so to try and feed him with a bottle, just until his coordination is a little better. He is already taking well to a pacifier so that is a good sign.

It's sad that we don't get to come home with him, however it would be so overwhelming right now- it's just worked out better that he's staying there for the next couple weeks. It gives us time to get his room together and get the necessities we need. It also helps for me to get my strength back- it's amazing how much it takes out of me just to walk to the kitchen. I feel like I'm on his sleeping schedule already... I can barely go a couple hours without having to take a nap. I guess I better get used to that, ha.

We have a couple of videos that we are trying to load and we'll keep the pictures coming! Hopefully by the end of the week he will have less tubes hooked up to him so that we can get better pictures and hold him more.

Thanks everyone for all the prayers- we are all doing great considering what all we've been through. We are so happy he is here and making great progress!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love him so much already; he's got my heart:)



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