Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hospital Stay- Day 3

I'm pretty much settled in and things are going well. Here's Hudson's new picture!

Yesterday morning I started having contractions again, so they gave me a Terbutaline shot to stop them, and that did the trick. They doubled my dose of daily contraction medicine, (Procardia), so I'm now taking one in the morning and evening. Saturday evening I had some more contractions, however after taking my second dose of medicine, they stopped.

They started me on my progesterone steroids, and will continue those daily until I'm 36 weeks, or obviously, until Hudson comes--whichever is first.

They won't take Hudson's measurements until another week. I think he's getting big. When I was hooked up to the monitor yesterday, he had several "fetal heart accelerations" which they said are good to see. At his stage of development, they like to see him have at least two heart accelerations within 15 minutes, and last night, he had ten! So he's doing great!

They will measure my cervix again in a few days. Until then, I'm enjoying the surprisingly good food and enjoying lots of movies! The doctors think I will be here for awhile, so that's good, as far as Hudson goes!


  1. Hey Allison & Blake,

    We just finished eating with your mom, dad, Beau and Sarah. We sure missed you two (three)!! We talked and decided that your dad could wear Papaw's kilt when Hudson makes his grand entrance! Just kidding! But with Frank, who knows? We are keeping all three of you in our prayers daily. Hudson's pictures are so cute. I can't tell who he favors. We look forward to welcoming him to the McLeod family. Love, Pamey & Uncle Mel

  2. its good to hear everything is going well. yall are in my prayers daily and nightly. thanks for keeping us updated! Oh, and if you havnt seen the show before, i recommend "How I Met Your Mother" if you get bored at watching the same things. its my new favorite TV show.

  3. Hi you three... Alek and Conner wanted to comment.."Hudson is so cute mama!!" ;-) They are excited about their newest cousin...

    I see Pam and Mel commented above. Please give them my love...Ami, Jodi, Hunter and Caden too. Do you see them often? I remember a time when you and Ami were inseperable...joined at the hip, as great uncle Gene would say. ;-)

    Hugs to you all...


  4. Hi there Blake, Allison and Hudson--these posts are such a good way to keep everyone in the loop. I have been following them and am so thankful for the way little Hudson is growing and thriving. I pray for you all every day as do many, many others. Hudson is blessed to have such amazing parents, family and friends who already love him soooo
    much. Try farmtown--great way to pass the time. Love you, Momma Mol xxxooo

  5. Loving you, Blake and Huddy from Louisville. Can't wait to meet him! Keep him in there until 38-40 weeks!!! I'm praying for you unceasingly...



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