Thursday, June 18, 2009

Doctor visit 6/18

Well, I'm home from the doctor, and here's the latest update. My cervix measured at 1.3 again. There was also some fluid in my cervix, which wasn't there last time. Overall, my doctor said she felt comfortable with me going back home today and remaining on bed rest. She made me an appointment for tomorrow morning (Friday) to see a high risk specialist. We will see what he says and then he and my doctor will figure out a plan from there.

Here is an ultrasound shot from today :) I think he looks like Blake in this one.

My doctor also said she wanted to run a fetal fibronectin test to determine the likely hood of me going into labor within the next two weeks. If the test comes back negative, that will be good and will let us know we have a little more time. I posted a link below that explains a little bit about how the test works.

They will also measure Hudson again either tomorrow or next week to see how much he's grown in the past 2 weeks.

I asked my doctor, from what she has seen in my progression, if she had any idea of a time-line of when I might have him, and she said basically you never know. She said I could go into labor tonight or I could hold off for another 2 months. So it was good to know that it was still a possibility to go that far.

That's about it for now. I will update again tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Here's hoping Bubba's not this troublesome out of the womb! Miss ya!

  2. Hi Blake and Allison,
    I am keeping up on things through Beau, Sara and now your blog. Just wanted you to know that the Hillis family is praying for you.

  3. Still praying. Thanks for keeping us up on what is going on. Love the picture of that sweet boy.



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