Friday, June 19, 2009

Doctor visit 6/19

Here is Hudson's first 3D ultrasound picture! You can't tell in this one, but he already has some hair on his head. From another angle we got to see some hair flipping up over his ears! He had his arm in front of his face most of the time, and finally she got him to move it under his chin for this picture.

Today was a good report!

We went to a high risk specialist, his name is Dr. Schneider. We really liked him! He was very informative and easy to talk to.

They did an in depth ultrasound to check Hudson's weight and measurements, and turns out he's going to take after Blake! He weighed in at 2lbs 5 oz. The ultrasound tech said he's in the 72nd percentile for weight at this point in the pregnancy. She said we didn't want anything over 80 or under 20, so he's on the heavier end of normal! She measured all the major bones and organs and she said he has nice long arms and broad shoulders (like his daddy). When the doctor saw the measurements and then looked at Blake he said he will definitely take after him. His exact words were "We got a ball player here!".

He will talk with my OB and they will continue to work together, but as of right now I go back in Monday for my fetal fibronectin test, then again next Friday for another ultrasound and also to measure my cervix again.

Thanks again for the prayers and we will keep you updated!


  1. we're glad y'all had a good report. we hope everything turns out well. Our prayers are with y'all.

  2. thats great allison! keep growing little hudson!!

  3. That is so great! He looks and sounds like a cutie patootie in the making :)
    I'm so excited to meet this little boy! Love you guys!




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