Friday, June 26, 2009

Doctor visit 6/26

Sorry for the late update. Well, today was a little bit of a set back. I went in today and my cervix measured at .4, which is very short. They immediately told me that I was to be on hospital bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. So, I will basically be here until little Hudson comes.

So I'm now checked into my comfy room. I saw the doctor again after I checked in and he said he may want to start me on additional steroids, this time for my cervix--to help strengthen it.

We asked him about a time line again, and again, he said everyone's different. It could be today or I might go until September. Hopefully it will be later than sooner. I am 28 weeks and 2 days today.

The good news is that everything is still looking good with Hudson! We got another ultrasound picture that I will upload later.

Thanks again for everyone's prayers! Even though it may not be fun, I hope I'm here for awhile. At this point the baby's surviving rate is fine, we'd just like for him to be in there as long as he can!

The doctor said today that we will have a better idea of what's going on by the beginning of next week. So I will update with any more news.



  1. allison. i'm so sorry you have to be on hospital bed rest. i know that can be tough. i was on it for 8 days with jack. it was hard. i know its not nearly as long as you will be there but i can relate. i'll be praying for you & hudson. let me know if there is anything i can do for you. i'd be happy to bring you some magazines, movies, food, a blanket or anything to help make your stay more comfortable. i really don't mind at all. i know sometimes that its nice to have visitors!!! hang in there! little hudson will be adorable!!!

  2. Blake and Allison,
    V and I love ya and we are praying for you all and little Hudson. Can we come see ya'll next week?

  3. I am so glad Nana Janet and Paps are there with you and Blake. I wish I could snap my fingers and be there with you but I know you are in good hands. Mike and Laura's wedding was so nice, the day could not have been more beautiful. I can't wait to see the new pictures of baby Hudson it's amazing how clear the pictures are now, you can actually tell what you are looking at.
    Well I hope you are comfortable and don't get too bored in the hospital. We love you and are continuing to pray for God's timing.

    Love you,
    Pawpaw & Lili

  4. Let us know if we can do anything! or if you need company :)



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