Thursday, October 29, 2009

Must type quick! These times don't come easily!

There are very few times that I can sit down at the computer and have extra time after all the emails have been answered or I have updated my Facebook. (by the way, if you don't have Facebook, you should get one--there are a lot more pictures on there!) So this might not be a long post, but I wanted to put up a video of the first time Hudson tries his Johnny Jump-up. He loved it! He actually fell asleep in it, but that could've been because he was watching the rain outside our bathroom window.

He's getting pretty big, around 10lbs now! He is starting to recognize who we are now. He knows well enough to stop crying if he sees Blake or me. He's laughing and smiling and is VERY ticklish! He's cooing and making all kinds of noises. It's funny because he will start to whine and half way through, he will realize that he has control of what noises he makes and will trail off into some goo's and gah's and will end up forgetting the whining.

He is holding his head up pretty well which makes things a lot easier. He has discovered his hands! They are constantly in his mouth. He is still teething and his whole bottom row looks like they are about to cut through. I will try and get a picture soon and post it up here.

I will try and post again later this week and show some Halloween pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute in his johnny jump up, you can tell he likes it. I can understand why he likes it so much he is constantly pushing with his legs and wanting to stand up. Wait till he gets in a walker he will be going everywhere.LOL



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